Pristine scans of highest resolution

Mammoth and Leviathan scans are the solution for really, really big prints.

Main features

Mammoth Scans

Using a special multi-sampling technique, mammoth scans provide files with optimal sharpness, finest details and maximum contrast range.

Size Comparison

A visual comparison between the resolution of dokko's Mammoth scans and the commonly used Imacon / Hasselblad scanner:
scan sizes comparison dokko Imacon Frontier


At up to 1100 MB per image, Mammoth scans capture the finest texture and microscopic detail of the image, down to the native grain structure. This makes them ideal for very large prints. Mammoth scans are retouched and the images are fine tuned in color and contrast according to your preferences (reference files are always welcome).

As always, delivery includes the unprocessed, RAW scans for secure long-term archiving

Scan and Print Sizes

mammoth scan sizes table

Leviathan Scans

Leviathan Scans offer resolutions up to 40'000ppi, surpassing the quality of even analog prints. With up to 50GB in size, it contains all the original information, including the finest grain structure, which makes them the ideal choice for extremely large prints.

Size Comparison

A visual comparison of the dokko resolution to the commonly used Imacon scanner:
scan sizes comparison dokko Imacon


Leviathan scans will capture the finest texture and microscopic detail of the image, down to each grain particle of the film. This makes them ideal for extremely large prints up to several meters wide. Leviathan scans are retouched and the images are fine tuned in color and contrast according to your preferences (reference files are very welcome).

As always, delivery includes the unprocessed, RAW scans for secure long-term archiving.

Scan and Print Sizes

leviathan scan sizes table

If you need to scan full film rolls

PDF document for download,
detailing the resolutions of all formats

download resolution list